The Italian film production sector presents significant development opportunities, mainly thanks to three fundamental elements:

  • The return of box office to pre-COVID levels, partly due to public contributions supporting the operation of cinema theaters.
  • The growing demand for content from broadcasters and platforms.
  • A favorable regulatory system, with significant state funds supporting the activities of independent Italian players.

However, in this revival scenario, there are some areas of attention that need careful evaluation:

  • Broadcasters and platforms are investing less in individual productions and generally acquire fewer rights, making the search for financial coverage by the producer more laborious.
  • Public contributions, vital for the sector today, show profiles of uncertainty and are sometimes disbursed late. This generates financial instability, especially for less structured players.

For these latter entities, usually characterized by smaller sizes and high volatility of their economic results, it is crucial to carefully develop a strategy that allows them to consolidate and strengthen their business rapidly, in an uncertain context increasingly dominated by large players, including international ones, increasingly attracted by the excellences of our country.

The starting point is encapsulated in a few keywords: uniqueness, systemic vision, and ambition.